
Corporate VC Internship

Venture Capital

This is an exciting externship where students can experience first-hand what it feels like to be part of a Fortune 100 company. As investors, venture capitalists (VCs) are investing in new ideas, innovations, and most importantly teams, where do they begin? This is called deal sourcing. Externs will profile startup companies, learn what VCs look for, and be a part of investing in the next generation of technology. HP Tech Ventures is seeking ambitious students to help research relevant pre-seed stage startups for deal sourcing and evaluation. This project includes special data analytics projects that allow students to practice using analysis tools to perform business model, strategy, and value chain analysis.

The Experience
  • Research start up metrics, industry data, team, and business models
  • Determine product differentiation and strategy across startups
  • Construct market maps across various startup sectors
  • Manage data using data cleaning methods and tools such as Open Refine
  • Calculate and analyzing data using Excel and SQL to find summary values and trends
  • Present and correlate the data using data visualization techniques include charts
  • Recommend attractive start ups for further investment due diligence

  • Ambitious students interested in pursuing careers in venture capital, entrepreneurship, and consulting.

HP Tech Ventures